Tuesday, May 31, 2011

On Jim Tressel's Resignation and Jim Delany's Efforts to Make Sure It Never Happens Again - Black Heart Gold Pants

On Jim Tressel's Resignation and Jim Delany's Efforts to Make Sure It Never Happens Again - Black Heart Gold Pants: "Jim Tressel resigned today, after the weight of allegations against him and his program became too much to bear.  There is a Sports Illustrated piece on the way that threatens to blow apart the basics of what Tressel actually did to warrant his hasty resignation, but to date we know his players sold memorabilia and received sweetheart deals from local auto dealers, he knew of it, and not only did he do nothing to stop it but signed a piece of paper saying he had no knowledge of it.  If this were simply the tattoo story from December, we would not be here.  It was a conspiracy of one that brought down The Great Sweatervest, and it's solely and completely his fault that his career at Ohio State ended this morning"

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